Water Quality
Source of Supply
Gordon’s Corner Water Company is committed to providing our customers with high quality drinking water. Our water source is a combination of well and surface water. Our 9 wells draw groundwater from the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system. We purchase 1.5 million gallons of treated surface water per day from the Marlboro Township Water Utility Division whose source is the Delaware and Raritan Canal via Middlesex Water Company. We also purchase 1.5 millions of gallons of treated surface water per day from Suez Water Matchaponix, whose source is the Matchaponix Brook.
Monitoring and Treatment
Each year, we are required to publish a Consumer Confidence Report listing all of the organic and inorganic compounds tested for in the water supply from the previous year. This report shows you the State mandated maximum contaminant level (MCL) for each compound, the range and/or average results that our water tested at for the year. We are proud to report that our company has never been in violation of the State and Federal regulations for potable water. This report is available on our web site by July 1st each year for testing done in the prior calendar year. Read: Gordons Corner Water Quality Report 2023 Samples are taken from our distribution system on a weekly basis and then analyzed by an outside laboratory, which has been certified by the State of New Jersey.
Please click below for answers to common water quality questions:
Hot Water Heater Information/Maintenance
Pink Substance on Bathroom Fixtures, Walls and Surfaces.
Discolored Water Discoloration of your tap water is usually a sign that there may have been some activity that has disturbed the direction or rate of flow in the water main, such as use of a fire hydrant or water main valve in your area. Discolored water can also come from the piping in your home. This would be evident when your home is the only one on the street experiencing an issue. Discolored water comes from rust or sediments that exist in your home’s piping. The water is still safe when this occurs. The water may look unappealing, so we suggest you wait until it clears before consuming it. Click here for more information about discolored water. Every spring, Gordon’s Corner Water Company flushes the water mains in the distribution system in order to minimize the occurrence of discolored water.
Water System Leaks and Service Restoration Water main breaks and other leaks occur within our distribution system from time to time. Gordon’s Corner Water Company takes all necessary steps to minimize the inconvenience to our customers during these events. During normal business hours, we will attempt to notify customers of the leak and pending service interruption either by phone or in person. The duration of time water will be off is often difficult to determine but we strive to make repairs in a timely manner. Customers should always feel free to contact our office for an update on restoration of water service at (732) 946-9333. For more information on what to do if there is a water system leak, please click here.
Lead Service Line Inventory Report
As required by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, please click here to view our Lead Service Line Inventory Report. Please note that Gordon’s Corner Water Company does not have lead service lines within our service territory.
Water Quality Accountability Act
As required by the Water Quality Accountability Act, please click here to view our most recent WQAA Annual Certification Form.